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#define PROBLEM "" #include "template.hpp" #include "data-structure/segment-tree/dynamic-segment-tree.hpp" #include "group/monoid-action/min-count-add.hpp" int main(){ cin.tie(nullptr)->sync_with_stdio(false); int n; cin >> n; map<int,vector<tuple<int,int,int>>> qr; for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ int lx,ly,rx,ry; cin >> lx >> ly >> rx >> ry; ry--; qr[lx].emplace_back(ly,ry,1); qr[rx].emplace_back(ly,ry,-1); } const int X=1e9; DynamicSegmentTree<MinCountAddAction<int>> s(0,X-1,[](int l,int r){ return make_pair(0,r-l+1); }); ll ans=0,pre=0; for(auto &[x,v]:qr){ auto [val,cnt]=s.query(0,X); if(val>0)cnt=0; ans+=(X-cnt)*(x-pre); for(auto &[l,r,d]:v)s.update(l,r,d); pre=x; } cout << ans; }
#line 1 "verify/yosupo/data-structure/area_of_union_of_rectangles.test.cpp" #define PROBLEM "" #line 1 "template.hpp" #include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> #include<ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace __gnu_pbds; using ll = long long; using db = long double; using vi = vector<int>; using vl = vector<ll>; using vd = vector<db>; using pii = pair<int,int>; using pll = pair<ll,ll>; using pdd = pair<db,db>; const int INF=INT_MAX/2; const int MOD=998244353; const int MOD2=1000000007; const ll LINF=LLONG_MAX/2; const db DINF=numeric_limits<db>::infinity(); const db EPS=1e-9; const db PI=acos(db(-1)); template<class T> using ordered_set = tree<T,null_type,less<T>,rb_tree_tag,tree_order_statistics_node_update>; template<class T> using ordered_multiset = tree<T,null_type,less_equal<T>,rb_tree_tag,tree_order_statistics_node_update>; mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); mt19937_64 rng64(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); #line 2 "data-structure/segment-tree/dynamic-segment-tree.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-01-15 * Description: Dynamic Segment Tree */ template<class MonoidAction> struct DynamicSegmentTree{ using InfoMonoid = typename MonoidAction::InfoMonoid; using TagMonoid = typename MonoidAction::TagMonoid; using Info = typename MonoidAction::Info; using Tag = typename MonoidAction::Tag; struct Node; using Ptr = Node*; struct Node{ Info val; Tag lz; Ptr l,r; Node(Info v):val(v),lz(TagMonoid::unit()),l(nullptr),r(nullptr){} Node(Info v,Tag t):val(v),lz(t),l(nullptr),r(nullptr){} }; ll lb,ub; Ptr rt; function<Info(ll,ll)> create; DynamicSegmentTree(){init(0,0);} DynamicSegmentTree(ll n){init(0,n-1);} DynamicSegmentTree(ll lb,ll ub){init(lb,ub);} DynamicSegmentTree(ll lb,ll ub,function<Info(ll,ll)> create){init(lb,ub,create);} void init(ll _lb,ll _ub,function<Info(ll,ll)> _create=[](ll l,ll r){return InfoMonoid::unit();}){ lb=_lb,ub=_ub; create=_create; rt=new Node(create(lb,ub)); } Info val(Ptr t){ return t?t->val:InfoMonoid::unit(); } void pull(Ptr &t){ t->val=InfoMonoid::op(val(t->l),val(t->r)); } void apply(Ptr &t,const Tag &v,ll l,ll r){ if(!t)t=new Node(create(l,r)); t->val=MonoidAction::op(t->val,v); t->lz=TagMonoid::op(t->lz,v); } void push(Ptr &t,ll l,ll m,ll r){ apply(t->l,t->lz,l,m); apply(t->r,t->lz,m+1,r); t->lz=TagMonoid::unit(); } void modify(ll l,ll r,Ptr &t,ll x,const Info &v){ if(x<l||r<x)return; if(l==r)return void(t->val=v); ll m=l+(r-l)/2; push(t,l,m,r); modify(l,m,t->l,x,v); modify(m+1,r,t->r,x,v); pull(t); } void modify(ll x,const Info &v){ modify(lb,ub,rt,x,v); } void update(ll l,ll r,Ptr &t,ll x,ll y,const Tag &v){ if(y<l||r<x)return; if(x<=l&&r<=y)return apply(t,v,l,r); ll m=l+(r-l)/2; push(t,l,m,r); update(l,m,t->l,x,y,v); update(m+1,r,t->r,x,y,v); pull(t); } void update(ll x,ll y,const Tag &v){ update(lb,ub,rt,x,y,v); } Info query(ll l,ll r,Ptr &t,ll x,ll y){ if(y<l||r<x)return InfoMonoid::unit(); if(x<=l&&r<=y)return t->val; ll m=l+(r-l)/2; push(t,l,m,r); return InfoMonoid::op(query(l,m,t->l,x,y),query(m+1,r,t->r,x,y)); } Info query(ll x,ll y){ return query(lb,ub,rt,x,y); } template<class F> ll findfirst(ll l,ll r,Ptr t,ll x,ll y,const F &f){ if(y<l||r<x||!f(t->val))return -1; if(l==r)return l; ll m=l+(r-l)/2; push(t,l,m,r); ll res=findfirst(l,m,t->l,x,y,f); if(res==-1)res=findfirst(m+1,r,t->r,x,y,f); return res; } template<class F> ll findfirst(ll x,ll y,const F &f){ return findfirst(lb,ub,rt,x,y,f); } template<class F> ll findlast(ll l,ll r,Ptr t,ll x,ll y,const F &f){ if(y<l||r<x||!t||!f(t->val))return -1; if(l==r)return l; ll m=l+(r-l)/2; push(t,l,m,r); ll res=findlast(m+1,r,t->r,x,y,f); if(res==-1)res=findlast(l,m,t->l,x,y,f); return res; } template<class F> ll findlast(ll x,ll y,const F &f){ return findlast(lb,ub,rt,x,y,f); } }; #line 2 "group/monoid/add.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-04-14 * Description: Add Monoid class. */ template<class T> struct AddMonoid{ using value_type = T; static constexpr T op(const T &x,const T &y){return x+y;} static constexpr T inverse(const T &x){return -x;} static constexpr T unit(){return T(0);} }; #line 2 "group/monoid/min-count.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-04-14 * Description: Min & Count Monoid class. */ template<class T> struct MinCountMonoid{ using P = pair<T,int>; using value_type = P; static constexpr P op(const P &x,const P &y){ if(x.first<y.first)return x; if(y.first<x.first)return y; return P(x.first,x.second+y.second); } static constexpr P unit(){return P(numeric_limits<T>::max(),0);} static constexpr P make(const T &x){return P(x,1);} }; #line 4 "group/monoid-action/min-count-add.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-04-14 * Description: Add to Min & Count Action class. */ template<class T> struct MinCountAddAction{ using InfoMonoid = MinCountMonoid<T>; using TagMonoid = AddMonoid<T>; using Info = typename InfoMonoid::value_type; using Tag = typename TagMonoid::value_type; static constexpr Info op(const Info &a,const Tag &b){ if(a.first==InfoMonoid::unit().first)return a; return Info(a.first+b,a.second); } }; #line 5 "verify/yosupo/data-structure/area_of_union_of_rectangles.test.cpp" int main(){ cin.tie(nullptr)->sync_with_stdio(false); int n; cin >> n; map<int,vector<tuple<int,int,int>>> qr; for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ int lx,ly,rx,ry; cin >> lx >> ly >> rx >> ry; ry--; qr[lx].emplace_back(ly,ry,1); qr[rx].emplace_back(ly,ry,-1); } const int X=1e9; DynamicSegmentTree<MinCountAddAction<int>> s(0,X-1,[](int l,int r){ return make_pair(0,r-l+1); }); ll ans=0,pre=0; for(auto &[x,v]:qr){ auto [val,cnt]=s.query(0,X); if(val>0)cnt=0; ans+=(X-cnt)*(x-pre); for(auto &[l,r,d]:v)s.update(l,r,d); pre=x; } cout << ans; }