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#include "data-structure/link-cut-tree/lazy-link-cut-tree.hpp"
#pragma once #include "data-structure/link-cut-tree/lazy-reversible-splay-tree.hpp" #include "data-structure/link-cut-tree/link-cut-tree-base.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-08-02 * Description: Lazy Link Cut Tree. * Usage: using Lct = LazyLinkCutTree<Action>; * using Ptr = Lct::Ptr; * using Node = Lct::Node; * vector<Ptr> ptr(n); * for(int i=0;i<n;i++)ptr[i]=new Node(val[i]); * auto link=[&](int u,int v){ * Lct::link(ptr[u],ptr[v]); * }; * auto cut=[&](int u,int v){ * Lct::cut(ptr[u],ptr[v]); * }; * auto update=[&](int u,int v,const Action::Tag &val){ * Lct::apply(ptr[u],ptr[v],val); * }; * auto query=[&](int u,int v){ * return Lct::fold(ptr[u],ptr[v]); * }; */ template<class MonoidAction> struct LazyLinkCutTree:LinkCutTreeBase<LazyReversibleSplayTree<MonoidAction>>{ using base = LinkCutTreeBase<LazyReversibleSplayTree<MonoidAction>>; using Ptr = typename base::Ptr; using Tag = typename MonoidAction::Tag; void apply(Ptr u,Ptr v,const Tag &val){ this->evert(u); this->expose(v); this->propagate(v,val); } };
#line 2 "data-structure/link-cut-tree/splay-tree-base.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-04-13 * Description: Splay Tree. splay(u) will make node u be the root of the tree in amortized O(log n) time. */ template<class Node> struct SplayTreeBase{ using Ptr = Node*; bool is_root(Ptr t){ return !(t->p)||(t->p->l!=t&&t->p->r!=t); } // The parent of the root stores the path parant in link cut tree. int size(Ptr t){ return t?t->size:0; } virtual void push(Ptr t){}; virtual void pull(Ptr t){}; int pos(Ptr t){ if(t->p){ if(t->p->l==t)return -1; if(t->p->r==t)return 1; } return 0; } void rotate(Ptr t){ Ptr x=t->p,y=x->p; if(pos(t)==-1){ if((x->l=t->r))t->r->p=x; t->r=x,x->p=t; }else{ if((x->r=t->l))t->l->p=x; t->l=x,x->p=t; } pull(x),pull(t); if((t->p=y)){ if(y->l==x)y->l=t; if(y->r==x)y->r=t; } } void splay(Ptr t){ if(!t)return; push(t); while(!is_root(t)){ Ptr x=t->p; if(is_root(x)){ push(x),push(t); rotate(t); }else{ Ptr y=x->p; push(y),push(x),push(t); if(pos(x)==pos(t))rotate(x),rotate(t); else rotate(t),rotate(t); } } } Ptr get_first(Ptr t){ while(t->l)push(t),t=t->l; splay(t); return t; } Ptr get_last(Ptr t){ while(t->r)push(t),t=t->r; splay(t); return t; } Ptr merge(Ptr l,Ptr r){ splay(l),splay(r); if(!l)return r; if(!r)return l; l=get_last(l); l->r=r; r->p=l; pull(l); return l; } pair<Ptr,Ptr> split(Ptr t,int k){ if(!t)return {nullptr,nullptr}; if(k==0)return {nullptr,t}; if(k==size(t))return {t,nullptr}; push(t); if(k<=size(t->l)){ auto x=split(t->l,k); t->l=x.second; t->p=nullptr; if(x.second)x.second->p=t; pull(t); return {x.first,t}; }else{ auto x=split(t->r,k-size(t->l)-1); t->r=x.first; t->p=nullptr; if(x.first)x.first->p=t; pull(t); return {t,x.second}; } } void insert(Ptr &t,int k,Ptr v){ splay(t); auto x=split(t,k); t=merge(merge(x.first,v),x.second); } void erase(Ptr &t,int k){ splay(t); auto x=split(t,k); auto y=split(x.second,1); // delete y.first; t=merge(x.first,y.second); } template<class T> Ptr build(const vector<T> &v){ if(v.empty())return nullptr; function<Ptr(int,int)> build=[&](int l,int r){ if(l==r)return new Node(v[l]); int m=(l+r)/2; return merge(build(l,m),build(m+1,r)); }; return build(0,v.size()-1); } }; #line 2 "data-structure/link-cut-tree/lazy-reversible-bbst.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat Info. * Date: 2024-04-13 * Description: Lazy Reversible BBST Base. */ template<class Tree,class Node,class MonoidAction> struct LazyReversibleBBST:Tree{ using Tree::merge; using Tree::split; using typename Tree::Ptr; using InfoMonoid = typename MonoidAction::InfoMonoid; using TagMonoid = typename MonoidAction::TagMonoid; using Info = typename MonoidAction::Info; using Tag = typename MonoidAction::Tag; LazyReversibleBBST()=default; Info sum(Ptr t){ return t?t->sum:InfoMonoid::unit(); } void pull(Ptr t){ if(!t)return; push(t); t->size=1; t->sum=t->val; t->revsum=t->val; if(t->l){ t->size+=t->l->size; t->sum=InfoMonoid::op(t->l->sum,t->sum); t->revsum=InfoMonoid::op(t->revsum,t->l->revsum); } if(t->r){ t->size+=t->r->size; t->sum=InfoMonoid::op(t->sum,t->r->sum); t->revsum=InfoMonoid::op(t->r->revsum,t->revsum); } } void push(Ptr t){ if(!t)return; if(t->rev){ toggle(t->l); toggle(t->r); t->rev=false; } if(t->lz!=TagMonoid::unit()){ propagate(t->l,t->lz); propagate(t->r,t->lz); t->lz=TagMonoid::unit(); } } void toggle(Ptr t){ if(!t)return; swap(t->l,t->r); swap(t->sum,t->revsum); t->rev^=true; } void propagate(Ptr t,const Tag &v){ if(!t)return; t->val=MonoidAction::op(t->val,v); t->sum=MonoidAction::op(t->sum,v); t->revsum=MonoidAction::op(t->revsum,v); t->lz=TagMonoid::op(t->lz,v); } void apply(Ptr &t,int l,int r,const Tag &v){ if(l>r)return; auto x=split(t,l); auto y=split(x.second,r-l+1); propagate(y.first,v); t=merge(x.first,merge(y.first,y.second)); } Info query(Ptr &t,int l,int r){ if(l>r)return InfoMonoid::unit(); auto x=split(t,l); auto y=split(x.second,r-l+1); Info res=sum(y.first); t=merge(x.first,merge(y.first,y.second)); return res; } void reverse(Ptr &t,int l,int r){ if(l>r)return; auto x=split(t,l); auto y=split(x.second,r-l+1); toggle(y.first); t=merge(x.first,merge(y.first,y.second)); } }; #line 4 "data-structure/link-cut-tree/lazy-reversible-splay-tree.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-04-13 * Description: Lazy Reversible Splay Tree. */ template<class MonoidAction> struct LazyReversibleSplayTreeNode{ using Ptr = LazyReversibleSplayTreeNode*; using InfoMonoid = typename MonoidAction::InfoMonoid; using TagMonoid = typename MonoidAction::TagMonoid; using Info = typename MonoidAction::Info; using Tag = typename MonoidAction::Tag; using value_type = Info; Ptr l,r,p; Info val,sum,revsum; Tag lz; int size; bool rev; LazyReversibleSplayTreeNode(const Info &_val=InfoMonoid::unit(),const Tag &_lz=TagMonoid::unit()) :l(),r(),p(),val(_val),sum(_val),revsum(_val),lz(_lz),size(1),rev(false){} }; template<class MonoidAction> struct LazyReversibleSplayTree : LazyReversibleBBST<SplayTreeBase<LazyReversibleSplayTreeNode<MonoidAction>>, LazyReversibleSplayTreeNode<MonoidAction>,MonoidAction>{ using Node = LazyReversibleSplayTreeNode<MonoidAction>; }; #line 2 "data-structure/link-cut-tree/link-cut-tree-base.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-05-19 * Description: Link Cut Tree Base. * Usage: * evert(u): make u be the root of the tree. * link(u,v): attach u to v. * cut(u,v): remove edge between u and v. * get_root(u): get the root of the tree containing u. * lca(u,v): get the lowest common ancestor of u and v. * fold(u,v): get the value of the path from u to v. */ template<class Splay> struct LinkCutTreeBase:Splay{ using Node = typename Splay::Node; using Ptr = Node*; using T = typename Node::value_type; Ptr expose(Ptr t){ Ptr pc=nullptr; // preferred child for(Ptr cur=t;cur;cur=cur->p){ this->splay(cur); cur->r=pc; this->pull(cur); pc=cur; } this->splay(t); return pc; } void evert(Ptr t){ // make t be the root of the tree expose(t); this->toggle(t); this->push(t); } void link(Ptr u,Ptr v){ // attach u to v evert(u); expose(v); u->p=v; } void cut(Ptr u,Ptr v){ // cut edge between u and v evert(u); expose(v); assert(u->p==v); v->l=u->p=nullptr; this->pull(v); } Ptr get_root(Ptr t){ expose(t); while(t->l)this->push(t),t=t->l; this->splay(t); return t; } Ptr lca(Ptr u,Ptr v){ if(get_root(u)!=get_root(v))return nullptr; expose(u); return expose(v); } void set_val(Ptr t,const T &val){ this->evert(t); t->val=val; this->pull(t); } T get_val(Ptr t){ this->evert(t); return t->val; } T fold(Ptr u,Ptr v){ evert(u); expose(v); return v->sum; } }; #line 4 "data-structure/link-cut-tree/lazy-link-cut-tree.hpp" /** * Author: Teetat T. * Date: 2024-08-02 * Description: Lazy Link Cut Tree. * Usage: using Lct = LazyLinkCutTree<Action>; * using Ptr = Lct::Ptr; * using Node = Lct::Node; * vector<Ptr> ptr(n); * for(int i=0;i<n;i++)ptr[i]=new Node(val[i]); * auto link=[&](int u,int v){ * Lct::link(ptr[u],ptr[v]); * }; * auto cut=[&](int u,int v){ * Lct::cut(ptr[u],ptr[v]); * }; * auto update=[&](int u,int v,const Action::Tag &val){ * Lct::apply(ptr[u],ptr[v],val); * }; * auto query=[&](int u,int v){ * return Lct::fold(ptr[u],ptr[v]); * }; */ template<class MonoidAction> struct LazyLinkCutTree:LinkCutTreeBase<LazyReversibleSplayTree<MonoidAction>>{ using base = LinkCutTreeBase<LazyReversibleSplayTree<MonoidAction>>; using Ptr = typename base::Ptr; using Tag = typename MonoidAction::Tag; void apply(Ptr u,Ptr v,const Tag &val){ this->evert(u); this->expose(v); this->propagate(v,val); } };